Educational FeaturesAbout Rikkyo Ikebukuro
Find Your Own "THEME"
Our education is aimed at nurturing the ability to seek truth with curiosity and tenacity and to live in harmony with others, while offering a variety of elective courses along with required subjects. Also, our students are eligible to take some lectures at Rikkyo University and to join full-fledged international programs.
Education Goals
Have Your Own "THEME"
and Seek TruthFinding a theme of your primary concern and promoting yourself to learn is what constitutes the foundation for survival in the 21st century. We have prepared a number of opportunities for our students to think and learn besides the wide-ranging elective courses. Thus, the students will grasp their unique selves and their own interests, so they can set themselves in full pursuit of their goals.
Live in Harmony with Others
Accepting and working with people from different backgrounds or with different ideas is what it takes to proceed in this age of globalization. Our students achieve such skills through their six-year school lives.
Learning in 6 Years
Learning Based on Language Ability
The basis of learning is nothing but language ability. At our school, students are exposed to multiple chances to express themselves, from essay-writing, speech organization to presentations with their dexterous use of ICT. In English classes, they will eventually learn to verbalize and convey themselves after a lot of close communication with native speakers in smaller classes. Our high school curriculum puts all the students through Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Contemporary Japanese B, and Japanese Classics B as compulsory subjects. This is all because our curriculum emphasizes the essence of culture as nurtured through training in liberal arts courses.
Abundant Elective Courses
The junior high school electives consist of A- and B- courses. In the former courses, they supplement their weaknesses and in the latter they have a chance to enrich and extend their interests with advanced-content materials. Seniors in high school are assigned two afternoon periods in a row so they can choose their courses depending on their interests and for the purpose of optimizing their skills for the future. We provide courses ranging from business administration, international relations to tourism, TOEIC/TOEFL strategies, which add up to 44 courses in total. It is the greatest asset of our education to nurture the students' skills to think and learn, based on their nature as independent beings.
Enjoy "Hyakunin Isshu"
In this elective course for students for junior high third graders, students are encouraged in extensive studies on Japanese classics while playing a card game of hyakunin-isshu, 100 poems by 100 poets.
Science in Life
Take a glimpse of another elective course, for seniors in high school. "Science in Life" provides the chances to focus on common natural phenomena and popular technologies in our daily lives. They will attain skills to think analytically with a scientific mind through exciting hands-on experiments.
Practical Learning
To Find Your Own THEME
Carrer Education
10th graders have a chance to learn what it is to be "professional". They do research on a wide range of occupations, interview employees, and make a presentation about their outcomes.
International Programs
We offer many kinds of international programs in which students experience living in different cultures using different languages. These experiences will help students learn the importance of living in harmony with others.
Cooperation with University
12th graders have opportunities to attend one of the university courses, which will be counted as their credits at Rikkyo University. Junior high school students can take extracurricular courses (Math/English) during summer break, in which they have individual lessons conducted by university students called "Study Volunteer".
Rikkyo Ikebukuro, being affiliated with university, is able to offer these unique programs that help students open their mind to their future.
For Continuous Endeavor
Grading System "Nintei-sei"
In Full Pursuit of Absolute Evaluation
The grading system of our school is based on "Nintei-sei," by which the efforts of each student is evaluated in terms of the steps and goals organized by each department. These requirements are included with in-class quizzes, assignments and presentations as well as the results from mid-term and term-end exams. Students who have passed the criteria are further categorized with grades of As, Bs or Ps, depending on their performances.
To the Next Stage
After graduating, students go to college with their own goals. Although we do not offer any classes that focus on entrance exams, we support each student individually to realize his goal.
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